automatic RealURL configuration do not work

Issue #31 closed
Goarli created an issue


the automatic RealURL configuration shows no result in FE. I assume that the "new" RealURL extension 2.0.14 related?! When I enter the configuration directly in the realurl_conf.php than the output works in the FE

Thank you very much


Comments (15)

  1. Frans Saris repo owner

    You enabled the RealUrl autoconf option in the RealUrl setting in ExtenstionManager?

    Enable automatic configuration
    basic.enableAutoConf (boolean)
  2. Goarli reporter

    Hello and thank you for responding!

    At the thought I already but I have not tried it yet: - |

    I use a customized realur_conf.php. All right!

    I'll try as soon as possible and then I let you know.

    Many thanks


  3. Goarli reporter

    Now I have switched the automatic realurl config.

    In the url is "tx_fsmediagallery_mediagallery [media album]

    not resolved.


  4. Goarli reporter

    but if I (copy) your realurl configuration from your "RealUrlAutoConfiguration.php" in the "realurl_conf.php" , the URL resolution in FE is correct?! (realurl v2.0.14)

  5. Frans Saris repo owner

    Think the autoconf isn't yet compatible with realurl 2 need to check that.

    The autoconf is optional, so adding it manually to your realurl conf is okay.

    Sidenote realurl autoconf does only work if the realurl_conf.php isn't present

  6. Goarli reporter


    I have unfortunately a new message

    yesterday is a new version of realurl come out (security fix). Since it works with the manual entry in the "realurl_conf.php" not well. Although the paths are resolved, but the link to the detailed view or the link back to the album view no longer works.

    Thank Goarli

  7. Goarli reporter

    Hi Frans,

    I can not influence. That's your decision. I would maybe define automatic realurl configuration as an option in the extension order not to let it run free. Basically, the real url configuration works even if I entries manually in the realur_conf.php.

    But what is still not functioning properly:

    tx_fsmediagallery_mediagallery [mediaAssetUid]
    tx_fsmediagallery_mediagallery [action]

    is not resolved and with

    tx_fsmediagallery_mediagallery [@widget_assets] [current page]

    there are problems when I - I believe that use nested album list.

    As would the "@" are replaced dynamically ....?!

    But I can still live with it :)

    thank you


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