Cooluri and pagination

Issue #40 resolved
Piotr Łojewski created an issue

Hi, when I use cooluri and have album URL like:

and open this gallery, pagination href losts tx_fsmediagallery_mediagallery[mediaAlbum] parameter. For example:

<li><a href="">2</a></li>

so it doesn't work. When I turn off cooluri of don't translate fs_media_gallery params it works ok:

<li><a href="[mediaAlbum]=1&tx_fsmediagallery_mediagallery[@widget_assets][currentPage]=2">2</a></li>

Comments (3)

  1. Frans Saris repo owner

    strange, I'm not familiair to cooluri config. But I use it with realurl and there is works as expected :)

    Maybe there is something missing in your cooluri config?

  2. Piotr Łojewski reporter

    Thanks for your answer! It seems cooluri translate fs_media_galley parameters fine. I don't know why < arguments="{currentPage: page.number}"> don't want to get tx_fsmediagallery_mediagallery[mediaAlbum]=1 parameter form URL when it is translated by cooluri :/

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