Version for TYPO3 9.5.x LTS

Issue #47 resolved
Arne Bracht created an issue


is planned to bring a new Version for TYPO3 9LTS? I can help with testing and a little sponsoring.

Please contact me, if you wish.

Arne Bracht

Comments (6)

  1. Frans Saris repo owner


    yes the extension will be made compatible with 9 LTS. But as I didn't have a project/sponsor yet that needed it it hasn't be done yet.

    I send you a mail.


  2. nebrot

    I tried to use version 1.4.8 with TYPO3 9.5.0. Following changes are at least necessary. TYPO3-Extension-Scanner is really helpfull to find more outdated/removed methods etc.

    1.) ext_emconf.php (and composer.json)

    constraints: 'php' => '7.2', 'typo3' => '9.5.0 - 9.5.99',

    2.) ext_localconf.php:

    Resource Icon hook: Call to undefined method TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::compat_version()

    3.) Classes/Hooks/DocHeaderButtonsHook.php

    createLink: Call to undefined method TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::compat_version()

    moduleTemplateDocHeaderGetButtons: if (GeneralUtility::_GP('M') === 'file_FilelistList' || GeneralUtility::_GP('route') === '/file/FilelistList/')

    4.) Classes/Service/AbstractBeAlbumButtons.php

    buildEditUrl, buildAddUrl, getIcon: Call to undefined method TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::compat_version()

    After this it's at least possible to create an album and a plugin. But after opening the page in frontend, this error occurs:

    Undeclared arguments passed to ViewHelper MiniFranske\FsMediaGallery\ViewHelpers\Widget\PaginateViewHelper: objects, as, widgetId, configuration. Valid arguments are:

    Now i don't know how to fix this error. Is there a change in Templates/Partials and/or PaginateViewHelper/PaginateController necessary?

  3. Frans Saris repo owner

    If I'm not mistaking a part of my pagination viewHelper changes in the core now. So we for 9lts we need a new set of templates that uses the normal fluid pagination viewHelper

  4. nebrot

    Now i got BE and FE working with TYPO3 9.5.1, the old Layouts/Templates/Partials are working too. This additional changes i've done:

    5.) Install "typo3db_legacy"

    Needed because extension don't use Doctrine, switch would be nice.

    6.) Classes/ViewHelpers/FileDescriptionViewHelper.php

    render: remove arguments, add them in new method initializeArguments()

    7.) Classes/ViewHelpers/FileTitleViewHelper

    render: remove arguments, add them in new method initializeArguments()

    8.) Classes/ViewHelpers/Widget/PaginateViewHelper.php

    render: remove arguments, add them in new method initializeArguments() together with parent::initializeArguments();

    9.) Classes/ViewHelpers/Widget/AbstractWidgetViewHelper.php

    passArgumentsToSubRequest: $arguments = $this->renderingContext->getControllerContext()->getRequest()->getArguments();

    Related issues:

  5. Frans Saris repo owner

    Could you start a pull request?

    Think it shouldn't be too hard to transform to db query to doctrine so we don't need to rely on the db legacy extension

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