Error when access plugin in backend

Issue #58 resolved
Gerald Loss created an issue

I have done an upgrade to typo3 9.5. Also I have upgraded this extension to current version 2.0.1. When I now go to a page with this extension in the page module in the backend I receive an error. The reason is in your class PageLayoutView method getAlbumSelection. The variable you passing to method BackendUtilityCore::getRecordTitle is not an array. The database access should be slightly different. I solved the issue in my installation quick and dirty like in the attachment. Could you please make a similar implementation in the next version?

Thank you and best regards


Comments (3)

  1. Markus Klein

    I can confirm the issue with TYPO3 v8.7.30 and extension 2.0.1 as well.
    I’ll provide a pull request

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