Albums not listed (Flatlist) - No albums found

Issue #77 new
Daniel Janek created an issue

In TYPO3 11 (after updating from T3 v8) it seems that the AlbumList-Template (FlatList) does not get the right mediaAlbums data.
For pagination in “Partials/MediaAlbum/FlatList/AlbumsList.html” it’s used:
<f:render partial="AlbumsPagination" contentAs="content" arguments="{pagination: mediaAlbumsPagination, mediaAlbum: mediaAlbum}">

But “mediaAlbumsPagination" and“mediaAlbum” is null. I debug “mediaAlbums” (with s) and there are all data from the albums inside.
Maybe a bug or do i miss something?
Thanks for help.

TYPO3 11.5.17
fs_media_gallery 3.0.2

Comments (8)

  1. Daniel Janek reporter

    Yes, tried new plugin using default templates, also tried new media gallery folder, always the same problem.

  2. Frans Saris repo owner

    The other views work correct only the flatlist gives issues?

    I'm currently not active anymore in the TYPO3 environment. But open for pull requests

  3. Daniel Janek reporter

    Hi, sorry for late reply, i found the problem:
    This issue was fixed on 2022-04-1 but never go into master. It’s in dev-master / 3.0.x-dev

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