Messages aren't always being marked as read when using !messages

Issue #17 resolved
Kyle created an issue

A number of my users notice that when you have multiple messages, !messages doesn't mark them all as read every time. This seems to be most prevalent when you receive two messages, then call !messages, it only marks the latest as read when you can actually see all of them.

I've corroborated this with data in the bot db.

Comments (2)

  1. Kyle reporter

    Actually to add an interesting bit to thise, the "is_read" field is 1 for both of his messages, but the bot still tells him he has unread messages.

    Clearing them out with !removemessage gets rid of the messages and the notification of new messages.

  2. Fredrik Yttergren repo owner

    Only the !message command was actually setting the read status, not !messages. Will be fixed in the next build

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