All API calls suffer from a ~.4 second time penalty

Issue #18 resolved
Kyle created an issue

Any call to the API takes about .4 seconds to begin responding, no matter how big or small. I've seen them go all the way up to 1 second. If I'm only making one call or all calls asynchronously that isn't too terrible, but for most folks async calls adds a whole new level of complexity to their webpage.

Are there any ways to speed this up?

Comments (4)

  1. Fredrik Yttergren repo owner

    On my machine I get a 80-100 ms delay because of the slowness of BCrypt checking user passwords. If you're running the bot on a not so powerful server I imagine that's the reason for your delays too. Switching to another pretty secure algorithm like PBKDF2 makes it faster (but not blindingly) but will require all users to set their passwords again.

  2. Kyle reporter

    I think a good compromise would be to add an option to use a faster algorithm and make it the default going forward.

    This way we can change at our leisure but future users would be going faster.

  3. Kyle reporter

    This was resolved in the latest build - a new hashing algorithm is available that is much faster

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