Ritual work

Issue #36 new
Guido created an issue

Hey, you were asking about the ritual stuff on IRC. Posting a reply here. The kingdom paper messages are like:

 April 21 of YR3    A ritual is covering our lands! (Barrier)
 March 11 of YR3    We have started developing a ritual! (Barrier)!

And the cast messages for Abolish Ritual now are like:

 Your mages infest the guilds of gani (4:9). Their ritual is now 60% destroyed! This province can still be targeted 7 times!
 Your mages infest the guilds of reaper (4:9). Their ritual is now 64% destroyed! This province can still be targeted once!
 Your mages infest the guilds of reaper (4:9). Their ritual is now 66% destroyed! This province can no longer be targeted!

So, you can see how often you can still cast, and far destroyed it is in the successful cast message.

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