Tick announcement control

Issue #7 wontfix
Kyle created an issue

It would be nice to be able to have control over what to announce into the channel at tick time.

Ie: some orders, aid requests, upcoming events, etc. Or also give us the ability to suppress ones that are currently being announced.

Comments (3)

  1. Fredrik Yttergren repo owner

    To disable event announcement on tick (add to utopia.properties): announcements.EventAnnouncer.Enabled = false

    The other announcers involved in tick messages are: announcements.ExpiringOpsAnnouncer announcements.ExpiringSpellsAnnouncer announcements.ReturningArmiesAnnouncer announcements.TickAnnouncer announcements.WaveAnnouncer

    So basically just the name + .Enabled = false and it'll be disabled.

    If you want more/other announcements on tick I'd say that's best implemented as an event listener script, since it's kind hard to find a size that fits all for that kinda stuff. The event to listen to is called TickEvent (full path is events.TickEvent).

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