Cannot load KD pages

Issue #9 resolved
Kyle created an issue

As of 3.9 it seems I can't load KD pages:

Saved: Kingdom page of (3:10) Parsed the intel but could not save it in the database. Error message: Batch update returned unexpected row count from update [0]; actual row count: 0; expected: 1

Comments (6)

  1. Kyle reporter

    In a rather bizarre twist as well, raw surveys seem postable via the API once again. Related at all?

  2. Fredrik Yttergren repo owner

    No kd pages work, or is it 3:10 specifically that causes issues (because of removed provs or whatever)?

  3. Kyle reporter

    As far as I can see no KD pages work. Most of the time when loading kd pages you're removing/adding provinces so it's tough to test.

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