
ftrack Action - Create notes on multiple entities

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Revised by Lucas Correia cfe91af

Note on multiple entities action

The action Note on multiple entities will go through your selection and create a note for each of the items.

Using the action

Navigate to a project in the web interface and select a few items in the spreadsheet and select Actions from the context menu. Click on Write notes and add your text and optionally select a note category.

Notes created are copies, and any replies will only show up on one of the notes.

Available on

  • Projects
  • Tasks (including encapsulating folders)
  • Versions

Running the action

Start the listener from the terminal using the following command:


If you wish to see debugging information, set the verbosity level by appending -v debug to the command.

For more information, see the documentation on using actions.

# :coding: utf-8
# :copyright: Copyright (c) 2015 ftrack
import sys
import argparse
import logging
import threading

import ftrack

def async(fn):
    '''Run *fn* asynchronously.'''
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        thread = threading.Thread(target=fn, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
    return wrapper

class NoteOnMultipleEntitiesAction(ftrack.Action):
    '''Action to write note on multiple entities.'''

    #: Action identifier.
    identifier = 'note-on-multiple-entities'

    #: Action label.
    label = 'Write notes'

    def createNotes(self, selection, text, category):
        entityCount = len(selection)'Creating notes on {0} entities'.format(entityCount))

        job = ftrack.createJob(
            'Creating notes ({0} of {1})'.format(1, entityCount), 'running'
            for index, item in enumerate(selection, start=1):
                entityType = item['entityType']
                entityId = item['entityId']
                entity = None

                if index != 1:
                    job.setDescription('Creating notes ({0} of {1})'.format(index, entityCount))

                if entityType == 'show':
                    entity = ftrack.Project(entityId)
                elif entityType == 'task':
                    entity = ftrack.Task(entityId)
                elif entityType == 'assetversion':
                    entity = ftrack.AssetVersion(entityId)

                if not entity:
                        u'Entity ({0}, {1}) not a valid type, skipping..'
                        .format(entityId, entityType)

                entity.createNote(text, category)
        except Exception:
            job.setStatus('failed')'Note creation completed.')

    def launch(self, event):
        '''Callback method for action.'''
        data = event['data']'Launching action with data: {0}'.format(data))

        selection = data.get('selection', [])
        if not selection:
            return {'success': False}

        if 'values' in data:
            text = data['values'].get('note_text')
            category = data['values'].get('note_category', 'auto')
            self.createNotes(selection, text, category)

            return {
                'success': True,
                'message': 'Started creating notes'

        options = [
            {'label': category.getName(), 'value': category.getId()}
            for category in ftrack.getNoteCategories()
        options.insert(0, {'label': 'Default', 'value': 'auto'})

        return {
            'items': [
                    'value': '## Writing note on **{0}** items. ##'.format(len(selection)),
                    'type': 'label'
                }, {
                    'label': 'Content',
                    'name': 'note_text',
                    'value': '',
                    'type': 'textarea'
                }, {
                    'label': 'Note category',
                    'type': 'enumerator',
                    'name': 'note_category',
                    'value': 'auto',
                    'data': options

def main(arguments=None):
    '''Set up logging and register action.'''
    if arguments is None:
        arguments = []

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    # Allow setting of logging level from arguments.
    loggingLevels = {}
    for level in (
        logging.NOTSET, logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO, logging.WARNING,
        logging.ERROR, logging.CRITICAL
        loggingLevels[logging.getLevelName(level).lower()] = level

        '-v', '--verbosity',
        help='Set the logging output verbosity.',
    namespace = parser.parse_args(arguments)

    # Set up basic logging

    # Subscribe to action.
    action = NoteOnMultipleEntitiesAction()

    # Wait for events

if __name__ == '__main__':
    raise SystemExit(main(sys.argv[1:]))

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