
ftrack Action - Edit meta data on entity

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Revised by Mattias Lagergren 2457294

Edit meta data on entity

Using this action it is possible to edit and update meta data from the web interface.

Using the action

Navigate to a project in the web interface and select an entity in the spreadsheet and select Actions from the context menu. Click on Edit metadata.

In the window you will be presented with all available metadata on the entity and the possiblity to edit it. Edit a value and click submit. Once the data is persisted the window will display again with the updated values.

Available on

  • Project
  • Tasks (including encapsulating folders such as shots)
  • Version
  • Component

Running the action

Install the ftrack-action-handler:

pip install git+


You can use virtualenv or similar solutions to avoid installing packages into your system's Python environment.

Start the listener from the terminal using the following command:


If you wish to see debugging information, set the verbosity level by appending -v debug to the command.

Reade more

For more information in our documentation:

# :coding: utf-8
# :copyright: Copyright (c) 2015 ftrack

import sys
import argparse
import logging

import ftrack_api

import ftrack_action_handler.action

class EditMetaData(ftrack_action_handler.action.BaseAction):
    '''Edit meta data action.'''

    #: Action identifier.
    identifier = ''

    #: Action label.
    label = 'Edit metadata'

    #: Action description.
    description = 'Edit meta data on entity'

    def validate_selection(self, session, entities):
        '''Return if *entities* is a valid selection.'''
        if (len(entities) != 1):
            # If entities contains more than one item return early since
            # metadata cannot be edited for several entites at the same time.
            return False

        entity_type, entity_id = entities[0]
        if (
            entity_type not in session.types or
            'metadata' not in session.types[entity_type].attributes.keys()
            # Return False if the target entity does not have a metadata
            # attribute.
            return False

        return True

    def discover(self, session, entities, event):
        '''Return True if action is valid.''''Got selection: {0}'.format(entities))
        return self.validate_selection(session, entities)

    def interface(self, session, entities, event):
        '''Return interface.'''
        values = event['data'].get('values', {})

        if not values:
            items = []

            entity_type, entity_id = entities[0]
            entity = session.get(entity_type, entity_id)

            # Refresh metadata collection.
            del entity['metadata']
            session.populate(entity, 'metadata.key, metadata.value')

            for key, value in entity['metadata'].items():
                    'label': key,
                    'type': 'textarea',
                    'name': key,
                    'value': value

            if not items:
                    'type': 'label',
                    'value': '*No metadata found on entity.*'

            return items

    def launch(self, session, entities, event):
        '''Launch edit meta data action.'''
            input_values = event['data']['values']
        except KeyError:
            input_values = None

        entity_type, entity_id = entities[0]
        entity = session.get(entity_type, entity_id)
        if input_values:
            for key, value in input_values.items():
                if entity['metadata'][key] != value:
                    # Only update if changed.
                    entity['metadata'][key] = value

            # Commit failed, rollback session and re-raise.

        return True

def register(session, **kw):
    '''Register plugin. Called when used as an plugin.'''

    # Validate that session is an instance of ftrack_api.Session. If not,
    # assume that register is being called from an old or incompatible API and
    # return without doing anything.
    if not isinstance(session, ftrack_api.session.Session):

    action_handler = EditMetaData(session)

def main(arguments=None):
    '''Set up logging and register action.'''
    if arguments is None:
        arguments = []

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    # Allow setting of logging level from arguments.
    loggingLevels = {}
    for level in (
        logging.NOTSET, logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO, logging.WARNING,
        logging.ERROR, logging.CRITICAL
        loggingLevels[logging.getLevelName(level).lower()] = level

        '-v', '--verbosity',
        help='Set the logging output verbosity.',
    namespace = parser.parse_args(arguments)

    # Set up basic logging

    session = ftrack_api.Session()

    # Wait for events
        'Registered actions and listening for events. Use Ctrl-C to abort.'

if __name__ == '__main__':
    raise SystemExit(main(sys.argv[1:]))

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