
Furhat Robotics WIP: Example flow for a passive state with wake-up words and an active state with dialog

Created by Ludvig Linse last modified
<!-- idle state, waiting for wake-up words -->
<state id="Idle" extends="PassiveDialog">
		<agent:listen />
		<reentry />

	<onevent name="sense.user.speak**" cond="event?:sem:wakeup">
		<goto state="VerifyWakeup" p:wakeupEvent="event"/>

<!-- state to verify wakeup, if "furhat" is said it directly goes to Attending state -->
<state id="VerifyWakeup" extends="Dialog">
	<param name="wakeupEvent" type="iristk.system.Event"/>

		<agent:attend target="wakeupEvent:user"/>
		<if cond="asString(wakeupEvent:text).contains('furhat')">
			<if cond="asRecord(wakeupEvent:sem).empty()">
				<exec>wakeupEvent = null</exec>
			<goto state="Attending" p:wakeupEvent="wakeupEvent"/>
			<agent:say>Are you talking to me?</agent:say>

	<onevent name="sense.user.speak**" cond="event?:sem:yes">
		<goto state="Attending" />

	<onevent name="sense.user.speak**" cond="event?:sem:no or event?:sem:exit">
		<agent:say>Okay, sorry</agent:say>
		<goto state="Idle" />

<!-- State when Furhat is actively listening without wake-up word -->
<state id="Attending" extends="PassiveDialog">
	<param name="wakeupEvent" type="iristk.system.Event"/>

		<if cond="wakeupEvent != null and wakeupEvent?:sem">
			<raise event="sense.user.speak" copy="wakeupEvent"/>

	<!-- answering hard-coded questions -->
	<onevent name="sense.user.speak" cond="event?:sem:question">

		<var name="question" type="String" value="asString(event:sem:question)"/>

		<!-- Question and answer pairs, in this example hard-coded. The semantics for the questions needs to be added in grammar file -->
		<if cond="question.equals('whatsYourName')">
			<agent:say>My name is Fur hat</agent:say>
			<!-- We should never end up here. If we do, we have added a semantic tag in grammar that we haven't caught -->
			<agent:say>Sorry, I can't answer that.</agent:say>
		<agent:listen />

<!-- master state used when in a "passive" dialog, i.e waiting for commands -->
<state id="PassiveDialog" extends="Master">
	<onevent name="sense.user.speak**">
		<agent:listen />

	<onevent name="sense.user.silence">
		<agent:listen />

	<onevent name="sense.user.leave" cond="system.isAttending(event)">
		<if cond="system.hasUsers()">
			<agent:attendRandom />

<!-- master state used when in an "active" dialog, i.e expecting answers from users -->
<state id="Dialog" extends="Master">

	<!-- Start smiling when someone starts speaking -->
	<onevent name="sense.user.speech.start" cond="system.isAttending(event) and eq(event:speakers, 1)">
		<agent:gesture name="'smile'" />

	<!-- Catch speak events that we our grammar can't handle -->
	<onevent name="sense.user.speak" cond="!eq(event:text, 'NO_MATCH')">
		<agent:say>Sorry, I don't understand that</agent:say>
		<agent:listen />

	<onevent name="sense.user.speak">
		<agent:say>Sorry, what was that?</agent:say>
		<agent:listen />

	<onevent name="sense.user.silence">
		<agent:say>Sorry, I didn't hear anything</agent:say>
		<agent:listen />

	<onevent name="sense.user.speak.multi">
		<send event="sense.user.speak" copy="event"/>

	<onevent name="sense.user.speak.side">
		<send event="sense.user.speak" copy="event"/>

<!-- master state used by both passive and active dialog master states -->
<state id="Master">
	<onevent name="sense.user.enter">
		<agent:attend target="event:user" />

	<onevent name="sense.user.leave" cond="system.isAttending(event)">
		<if cond="system.hasUsers()">
			<agent:attendRandom />

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