Retrieve Advertisements from RestAPI & display advertisements in listView on Android.

Issue #4 resolved
Miguel created an issue
  • Rest Call and parse data.
  • Share data among fragments' controllers

Filters & Sorting moved to issue #24 since it's low priority.

Comments (8)

  1. Raymond Wells

    The shared data model might be a pain in the ass. You might want to consider the "single responsibility model" instead.

    Basically each item in the list view is only responsible for one advertisement instead of sharing the whole array.

  2. Miguel reporter

    well @rfw2nd it wasn't until this weekend that the Rest services, auth and all access to the rest api was completed. Now I can display real advertisements. I've been able to display fake advertisements from data I generated for the past 3 weeks. Not sure why you're asking for a timeline now...

  3. Raymond Wells

    Actually, now that you're unblocked, a timeline is more relevant than ever :)

    Maybe I phrased it wrong and it came off a bit like I was rushing you, I'm not, just was asking.

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