Like button

Issue #58 new
Brandon Thai created an issue

the user cannot clicks the Like button on the Nearby page. If it is not intend for the user to click the Like button, please remove it on the Nearby page. Also, the response time for the Like button is very slow. The user recommends adding a message letting the user know it "like the Ads" or "unlike the Ad" (like the message for adding the ad to the pocket).

Comments (2)

  1. Raymond Wells

    The like button is clickable, it just requires some laborious pixel hunting.

    About the response time... I agree.

    What should happen is the like button should be inside of a ViewAnimator. Whenever the like button is clicked, it can switch to the second view in the ViewAnimator which is a progress bar. When the response for the like has been received (success/failure callback), the ViewAnimator switches back to the like button. It's actually very simple to implement, a similar thing has been done on the business view:

    Any time the business is being loaded:

    After the rating has been loaded:

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