DTS to AAC not working with DTS-HD MA tracks

Issue #108 resolved
Mari Marasu created an issue

When importing a file with DTS-HD MA (7.1 channels), any conversion to AAC fails upon saving. It will sit in the queue and look as if it is processing the file, indefinitely. You cannot stop the Queue, you cannot delete the file from the Queue, you must simply quit Subler to stop the process.

I tested isolating the DTS-HD MA track to a single file (DTS Passthrough allowed for this, so that works fine). Importing the track to a new file and selecting any AAC conversion causes Subler to spend only 1 second processing, before spitting out a 0:00:00.149 gibberish file.

Not sure if this has always been an issue, since I haven't played with DTS-HD MA very much. Just wanted to check if this has always been an problem or is this is a bug?

If this IS something Subler simply doesn't do, why not force a Passthru option like when dealing with Mpeg2 video files?

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