Chapter Titles

Issue #125 wontfix
Bret Rohloff created an issue

It would increase speed of entry of chapter titles by at least a third if you could hit the enter key to tab to the next line rather than having to individually mouse click each line.

Comments (4)

  1. Bret Rohloff reporter

    That's true but it requires two extra clicks and a hand reset which adds up on movies with 40 or 50 chapters. If it worked like Microsoft Excel for instance, you could enter them more rapidly. Was really just a suggestion and not vital. The time savings in every other aspect of the app is enormous as is.

  2. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    You don't have to click. Press return, write, press return again, move down or up with the arrows and restart from the beginning.

  3. Bret Rohloff reporter

    Just to clarify, I know you don't have to click. Here's the process: Press Enter Type chapter Press Enter again Move hand to arrow key and press down arrow Move hand back and press enter key Type next chapter... and so on.

    What I was suggesting is: Click on Chapter 1 Type chapter press enter type chapter 2 and so on.

    If you are a proficient typist. this makes the process much faster. That said, I wasn't putting this forward as a critical fix, just a "nice to have".

    Thank you for your responses.

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