Queue Badge Represents Wrong Number

Issue #132 resolved
Mari Marasu created an issue

This has bugged me for a bit, so I thought I'd finally ask about it.

When you add items to the queue, the badge icon always seems to be 1 number off. Or at least, the number it represents isn't quite what I would expect it to be.

If I have 10 items in the queue and Subler has only just begun working on the 1st one, it will begin displaying 9 (as in 9 files remaining to BEGIN work on). This becomes especially confusing when it has gotten to the last file, because the badge icon will disappear entirely because it has "begun" work on the last file. This is a bit misleading though (and maybe it's just me) but my mind thinks in the sense of "files that remain to be completed" when looking at the badge icon.

I'd rather it still say 10 when it only just began the 1st file, and I'd rather it say 1 when it is still working on the last file in the queue, so that I don't accidentally try to close Subler because I quickly assume that it has completed the queue because there is no badge number.

Trivial, I know.