Official Request for 2K/4K/UHD Resolution Tag

Issue #143 closed
Mari Marasu created an issue

I supposed this had to happen at some point, so I wanted to know what your thoughts were on adding a 4K resolution tag to Subler? Obviously since you base a lot of your work around iTunes, this question would be put on hold if there simply is no 4K header/tag yet implemented into iTunes.

Another big issue here being "what is 4K?" because.. you know... tech companies LOVE to agree on standards.

The 4K content that I have is pretty consistently 2160p in height, but I have run into stuff that is both higher and lower. An iTunes Extras support doc says "2880 x 1620 minimum for 16:9 content" and "2048 x 1536 minimum for 4:3 content." Maybe the safest way (for now) would be to simply formulate anything higher than 1920x1080 as 4K content?

I dunno. Thoughts?

Comments (12)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    This will need to wait for iTunes. It's completely useless to try to predict what metadata Apple will add.

  2. Mari Marasu reporter

    Seems they've only activated the 4K markers in the store, not the actual 4K video files themselves, as trying to download one gets you the 1080p version. I'll be sure to MP4Dump a file here once I get my hands on a one.

  3. Mari Marasu reporter

    So we can't get our hands on 4K iTunes content, but I'm running the new AppleTV (in 4K and in 4.2.2 Chroma) so let me know if there's anything I can test for you. What specific information do you need from a 4K iTunes file btw?

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