Creating new file from exiting corrupts output

Issue #155 closed
csweet created an issue

Subler: v. 1.0.6 Steps to create: File -> New Click + Add existing MP4 file, add only video Add from same MP4, add only sound save file (This file does not play for me throughout the whole mp4, but wait it gets better)

File -> New Click + Add from same MP4 file, add only video Add from same MP4, add only sound save file

I would have expected the 2 files to be the same with some internal date/time stamp differences. What I encountered were 2 completely different files. Other than that they have the same file lengths.

compare the 2 files. The file lengths are exactly the same, but the contents are shifted internally. For me, the one file is shifted starting as position 12356154 by 1772 bytes for a little over 35000 bytes. This continued to the end of the file. In another file, the differences started at position 3896 and could not determine if there was shifting or something else. Neither file was playable within media player after the differences started.

I have had this recreated on 3 out of 3 files tested. If you want me to upload a file, let me know. I expect that this will occur on any file that you use.

Comments (6)

  1. csweet reporter

    Windows Media Player crashes after a certain point, I am guessing during the changes in the files. DIVX seems to be fine. I have been seeing 2 or 3 "gliches" during playback of some remuxed files and was trying to figure out where the changes in the streams were occurring.

  2. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Trying to see a pattern in the binary file is useless, the mp4 file format is a complex one. And players crashes are not because of Subler. You should "Optimise" the file after muxing something, to interleave the video and audio samples properly.

  3. csweet reporter

    Then why can I not create the exact same file using the same steps outlined? Each time I create the file using these steps, Windows Media Player crashes at a different spot

  4. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Because every time you save a file the mp4 index in rewritten in a different place of the file, and things are muxed in a different order. Like I said, try to optimise the thing.

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