Impossible to add Rating to video

Issue #156 resolved
Tom created an issue

I'm using SublerCLI a lot and it works perfectly. The only thing I cannot seem to get right is adding ratings to videos. The documentation states that the parameter -metadata {Rating:PG-13} should be enough to add for instance the PG-13 rating, but it does not work. Is the syntax incorrect, or is it no longer possible to add ratings with SublerCLI?


Comments (8)

  1. David

    Same problem with the GUI. You can add the field and specify a value, but when you save it disappears. When you download metadata; you can change the value, but it changes back on save.

  2. Taylor Stooke

    @Damiano Galassi First, sorry to revive such an old issue with a new comment. Second, thank you so much for all of the hard work you’ve put into Subler! Third, I was wondering if SublerCLI has a fix for saving Ratings. It seems that it’s not able to save the rating, as mentioned in the original post.

    I’m on SublerCLI 1.5.1, installed through homebrew on macOS 12.6.1. Perhaps there’s a newer SublerCLI build that includes a fix already?

    I am not an expert in Objective-C, by any means, so I’m probably missing something on this topic. I was just looking at MP42Metadata.m and noticed that it seems to save a value only if the input string can be split by a pipe and only if there are 3 or more resulting values. In fact, when I provide USA|movie|PG-13 as the input, the metadata ends up with USA|movie|PG-13| as the value, so that seems to line up with that part of the code.

    Are we not getting the simple rating, such as just PG-13, added to the metadata because it doesn't split on the pipe and there's no call to save just the simple string?

    Selecting a Rating in the Subler GUI (1.7.5) does work as expected.

    I really appreciate any guidance you’re able to provide. Thank you!

  3. Taylor Stooke

    Ah ha! With a bit more digging, I think I’ve found the format that works. After saving a Rating to a file with Subler and inspecting the tags with Atomic Parsley, the format for the Rating needs to be [category]|[classification]|[itunes value].

    For example, to set a movie to USA MPAA Rating PG, provide the following as the Rating metadata value: mpaa|PG|200.

    Information about the possible values are conveniently located here: Ratings.json

    @Damiano Galassi Thanks again for everything you’ve put into this fantastic tool!

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