ATV4 Displaying Audio Track Names?

Issue #189 closed
Former user created an issue

Apple TV models and software have, over time, had issues with regards displaying audio track names. I believe that the original model handled them just fine, but models 2 & 3 ignored them, only displaying the language of the track. At first, I believed the ATV 4 had the same issue, but I recently noticed that one or two of my files were now displaying the audio track names correctly. I’m not sure if this is a recent development due to the tvOS 9.2 update or not. I’ve been poking around a bit and determined that files created by Handbrake continue to not have the audio track names displayed by the ATV 4, but making a copy of a file and using Subler to delete the audio tracks from file A and copying them back in from file B does work. Simply renaming the files or optimizing in Subler does not.

Is there a simpler solution to “correct” preexisting files?

Comments (2)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    You can delete the track names, save, and insert them again. Subler writes the name in the new format Apple uses, HandBrake does not yet.

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