"TV Shows" Season not displaying correctly on ATV4

Issue #197 resolved
Channing Corn created an issue

Currently, Subler 1.0.9 is setting the "calb" (Album) tag to just the "name" of the show instead of the "name, season". Shows purchased from iTunes have the tag set correctly.

For example (tag calb):

Subler Output: "The 100"

Correct Output: "The 100, Season 2"

This does not seem to be a problem on an Apple TV 2 or 3, but on an Apple TV 4, it does not correctly put the shows for that season into it's own folder.

The work-around for now is to manually edit the "Album" entry and add ", Season X" to the end of the string. But having this done automatically would be better.

It appears that you are already already setting the "Sort Album" to the format of "Name, Season", so it would be the same value for "Album"

Let me know if you need additional information.

Comments (4)

  1. Dan Parker

    This one is fixed in 1.1 as you can edit the default tags. It is extremely handy as I like my titles sorted with 'The' at the beginning and I can do this automagically now as well.

    But the Sort Album can also be adjusted to your liking and this will fix the ATV4 issue. Previously I fixed this by applying sets, but the new feature is way better.

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