AC3 + 10.11.4: In atom moov missing child atom trak

Issue #200 resolved
Viet Woojagig created an issue


I am not sure if this is related to the latest update of OSX 10.11.4, but I am not able to save files that contain AC3 track. In 10.11.3 it worked. It sucks at 100% during save and shows the error message in the log file:

In atom moov missing child atom trak

The workflow that worked for me so far for recordings with my SAT-receiver:

  • Handbrake 0.10.5 x86_64: Create MKV from TS-file with Handbrake containing Audio AAC + AC3 (pass through)
  • Quicktime 7: Edit MKV and save as MOV. Quicktime still shows correct AC3 information.
  • Subler 1.0.9: Open MOV with AAC (pass through) and AC3 (pass through) and save as M4V

After cancelling the save that is stuck at 100% the log file shows:

[08:11:47] Error: FindTrakAtomIndex: Track id 0 doesn't exist (../src/mp4file.cpp,3181)
[08:11:47] Error: FindTrakAtomIndex: Track id 0 doesn't exist (../src/mp4file.cpp,3181)
[08:11:47] Error: FindTrakAtomIndex: Track id 0 doesn't exist (../src/mp4file.cpp,3181)
[08:11:47] Error: FindTrakAtomIndex: Track id 0 doesn't exist (../src/mp4file.cpp,3181)
[08:11:47] Error: FindTrakAtomIndex: Track id 0 doesn't exist (../src/mp4file.cpp,3181)

After that, Subler shows no AC3 track

I use Perian 1.3.2 ( and A52Codec.component (1.8.1-20121112)

Comments (12)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Well there are a number of different issues here. I can try to fix them, but the best way is to not use Perian anymore, because it creates mov files in a very old and unstandard way. You should be able to export directly to mp4 with HandBrake, and edit it in QuickTime. Subler can work without Perian and A52Codec now, you can remove them too.

  2. Viet Woojagig reporter

    Editing MP4 from Handbrake in QuickTime 7 does not work with AC3 soundtracks. Editing files in QuickTime 7 that include AC3 only work, if the original file is MKV. Don't ask me why. But the editing only works in QuickTime 7 if I have Perian / A52Codec installed. Saving of files in QuickTime 7 always end in MOV files. Exporting to MP4 removes the AC3 track. I would love to get rid of QuickTime 7 and use something else for editing, but unfortunately QuickTime 7 is the only app that I know that allows frame-accurate editing without transcoding during save. Others only allow editing on I-frames or require transcoding.

    But what could be the main reason why QuickTime 7 now produces in 10.11.4 files that are more crappy than they have been went 10.11.3? During that time my workflow worked without any problem.

    BTW: The test version works with my files, thanks

  3. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    QuickTime is still the same, but I recently switched to AVFoundation in Subler to read mov files, so there were some cases not handled properly.

  4. Viet Woojagig reporter
    • changed status to open

    Hi, sorry if ask for stuff that is maybe outdated.

    I would like to open this problem again.

    The example that is attached to this issue is not working again for version 1.1.8. When you open the file and select for both soundtracks passthrough, and then save it, both audio-tracks change from 0:00:45:000 to 0:00:00:94x.

    The 1.0.9 test-version that you had provided me that days worked well.

    If everything is too complicated to accept old mov, I have a workflow that uses ffmpeg to convert the mov to a mp4 while keeping both audio tracks. I'm able to open that mp4 in Subler without any problem.

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