Adding OCR language files doesn't work

Issue #215 invalid
Clemens Schulz created an issue

I tried to convert German VobSub to Tx3g. This is was I tried:

  1. Download all "deu.*" files from GitHub
  2. Place them in ~/Library/Application Support/Subler/tessdata
  3. Relaunch Subler
  4. Open MKV file and convert subtitle track to Tx3g.

Result: The Tx3g subtitles still did not contain German characters, like "ü".

Is the FAQ out of date or did I use the wrong tessdata files? Or do I have to set the track language before converting? It was set to "Unknown" in the import dialogue, but there's also no option to change it before converting.

Comments (2)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    You need to set the track language. Click on the language row in the main window.

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