An important side note regarding importing srt files!

Issue #220 invalid
Former user created an issue

Hi again, I've noticed that srt files that are not formatted with line numbers, i.e. "Time; Text" (e.g. "00:01:33.959 --> 00:01:35.082; Hello!") cannot be imported unless they also contain the line numbers (e.g. "1; 00:01:33.959 --> 00:01:35.082; Hello!"), which is a problem since many srt files that I use unfortunately are formatted this way, and every time I have to go through the hassle of adding numbers for each srt file (using search and replace in Text Edit in combination with a little script in FileMaker, and then some further search and replace in Text Edit again...).

Thus it would be a neat feature if Subler could import srt files without line numbers as well as with line numbers! :-)

Comments (1)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    The srt specifications say the line number is needed. So I guess you better generate srt with line numbers.

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