Hangs on Save in El Capitan 10.11.6

Issue #224 closed
Garth Snyder created an issue

The last couple of times that I've tried to add a .srt track to a movie output from HandBrake, Subler has frozen immediately after choosing Save As... and picking the output filename. It doesn't create the output file or consume CPU; it just hangs and doesn't respond to input events. The odd thing is that if instead of doing Save As..., I add the video to the Queue, it runs just fine.

If you are not seeing this behavior, I can probably prepare a small video file for you that demonstrated the behavior.

Comments (9)

  1. Garth Snyder reporter

    There's nothing special about the file above, so I'm guessing it will probably work fine for you. I'd like to run Subler under Xcode, but I'm having some trouble reproducing the build. I cloned Subler and then subcloned the mp42foundation project into the corresponding subdirectory, but Xcode 8b4 complains about missing files MP42Foundation/MP42Metadata.h and mp4v2.h, which don't seem to appear anywhere.

    Is there an instruction sheet somewhere that summarized how to build the app?

  2. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    The easy way is to do a recursive git clone so it will automatically clone all the submodules too: git clone --recursive https://galad87@bitbucket.org/galad87/subler.git

  3. Garth Snyder reporter

    Ah, gotcha. OK, that works fine. And the app works fine for me when rebuilt. How strange.

  4. Garth Snyder reporter

    The problem did not happen in 1.1 (which I used only once). I just tried 1.1.1 and it seems to work as well.

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