No issue, wanted to say THANK YOU

Issue #238 closed
CJ Dorschel created an issue

I've been using Subler for a long time having spent a year with three Mac Pro's digitizing my Blu-Ray library as lossless as possible using Handbrake after a years worth of research on advanced settings, etc. Subler was a dream come true, having saved me so much time. With H.265, I've been transcoding via Handbrake on a current gen nMac Pro6,1 8-Core Dual D700's using macOS (OS X) 10.12 beta 6. Imagine my surprise to see Subler now supports HEVC 265! Thank you so much. I want to donate to support your efforts as they are much appreciated.

Comments (3)

  1. CJ Dorschel reporter

    I just noticed that after I wrote the message. Apologies for the inconvenience. I’ll definitely make a donation today and thank you for your hard work. I have been using Subler for years and noticed developments seemed to stop around 1.0.9. Very thankful that it has picked up again. I know many who would (and will) pay for your hard work.

    Thank you again!


    CJ Dorschel

    Cory J Dorschel ✉️ 📱 917.579.0863

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