Subtiles not visible after upgrade to 1.1.2

Issue #239 resolved
Mar H created an issue

Hi, Starting with 1.1.2 the subtitle tracks can still be selected when playing the movie in Quicktime or iTunes, but the actual subtitles of the spoken text in the movie are not displayed. After going back to Subler 1.1.1 the subtitles were processed correctly again. So it seems the problem was introduced in 1.1.2. Thanks

Comments (3)

  1. Mar H reporter

    Thanks for the feedback. I could reproduce the problem in 1.1.2 on 4 different BluRay's, but it didn't reproduce anymore after going back to 1.1.1. The problem also does not reproduce in 1.1.3. that I installed today. So I guess it must have been a local 1.1.2 installation problem then. All is ok now. Thanks.

  2. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    I did a lot of copy & paste in Subler 1.1.2 code, so I had to fix some format names in 1.1.3. Glad I already fixed it. :)

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