Feature Request: Default save folder other than same as input

Issue #247 closed
Charlie Schmidt created an issue

I'm automating subler using applescript, so that when files are down downloading from Transmission they automatically go through Subler, and then eventually on to iTunes/Plex.

It would be increadibly helpful if there were a way, for items added to the Queue, to have a global default save folder - somewhere I could expect the output files to be that isn't the same as where the input file is.

Comments (4)

  1. Charlie Schmidt reporter

    Its an automator workflow, set to monitor a folder that Transmission moves files to when it is done (or should, I haven't done that part yet, but Transmission has a 'When download completes' run 'this script' thing, which I'll configure to be something that moves the files to the place the automator workflow is watching).

    Here's the workflow, so far: http://charlieschmidt.me/subler.workflow.zip

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