Auto-Clearing Track Names

Issue #260 resolved
Mari Marasu created an issue

In the effort to improve Subler's housekeeping efforts, I wanted to request a feature to add a button to clear all "Entered Track Names".

A lot of times things like Handbrake will add their own names to the individual streams within a file, such as naming a 5.1 stream "Surround" instead of just leaving it blank, and having Subler display it as "Sound Track".

It's a nitpicky thing, I know, but it'd be great if there was an option to simply clear all entered names on a file so that all the tracks in a file have their default name. Maybe a Menu option with a shortcut, or a button on the interface? It'd be cool to have an option for the Queue as well, much like the new feature to default all unknown tracks to a set language.


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