Crash on open Files

Issue #273 resolved
Patrick Marth created an issue

since version > 1.1.5 the app crashed instant on open certain audio book files. (files converted with ffmpeg)

I've looked into the code and compile it on my machine and found the position. (screenshots) I'm not that deep in bit's Skipped here, but if I just change the "skipBits(14)" to "skipBits(1)", it opens the file but maybe other things will not work correctly.

Comments (6)

  1. Patrick Marth reporter

    I can try it. As I mentioned the files are audio books and the smallest one has about 300mb. (it got no drm but they are copyrighted). I try to extract a few seconds

  2. Patrick Marth reporter

    Okay, I extracted the first 5 minutes of one to keep up all the meta data. Subler 1.1.5 will open it without any problems, all above crash on opening.ove crash on opening.

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