1.2 Crash Related to Removal of "Other Settings" Tab

Issue #277 resolved
Jason Painter created an issue

You’ve forgotten that if there are templates with settings in the old “Other” tab, it crashes the application if you apply a template or try to edit it.

Comments (8)

  1. Jason Painter reporter

    I launched an older version and the templates were still there, but they were blank.

  2. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    The set format changed, I tested it and it worked but I probably missed a corner case. Can you send the the preset .sbqueue file? You can find it in <your home folder>/Library/Application Support/Subler.

  3. Jason Painter reporter

    Here are two versions, one from yesterday, when I was running 1.1.8, and one from today, after I ran 1.2 (although I've gone back to 1.1.8 now). Let me know if you need anything else.


  4. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Sorry, I meant the .sbpreset files. I must have been sleeping when I wrote the last message :(

  5. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    I see no crash on 1.2.1, does it still crash if the templates were already upgraded by 1.2?

  6. Jason Painter reporter

    I had a single template that I recreated when I downgraded to 1.1.8. I downloaded 1.2.1 and launched. Checked template. Looks good, no crash. Applied the template, worked, no crash. All looks good. Thanks.

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