Where did the artist filed go under Movies?

Issue #280 resolved
Ken Washburn created an issue

Where did the artist field go under Movies? I need this field to search in iTunes smart lists. Smart Lists do not search CAST so I have to add the cast to the Artist field to search the cast Please put it back as an option. It is not displayed on AppleTV but you can see it in list mode.

I have to go back to the old version until I can have the ARTIST field under movies.

Comments (3)

  1. Ken Washburn reporter

    When I said missing I mean under the Preferences Meta Tab. I'm Sorry but I think the problem is that when I add the field ARTIST here it changes the name to Album so that you don't know that is is added or that it is the same field under a different name (Album). Very confusing. Perhaps if it were named Album/Cast it would be clearer. Apparently the same field has different uses depending if it a music file or a Movie file. Is there a table somewhere that shows the alternate uses of the fields?

  2. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    It was a localisation issue, the tag was still "artist", but the localised name was "album." Fixed in 1.2.1 I will uploaded in a few minutes.

  3. Ken Washburn reporter

    Thank you for the prompt attention. All the problems I was experiencing have been resolved. I like the new feature I have used so far. I love this program.

    Thank you again, Ken Washburn

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