Text Completion in Subler

Issue #283 resolved
Gene Surber created an issue

I am using Version 1.2.1 (1.2.1) (newest version). Mac OS 10.11.6. In previous iterations of Subler if one of the fields were selected (e.g., title or genre, etc.) in metadata when information was fetched it would not overwrite that field. That selected field would retain the original text/metdata. This handy ability is now lost in the last two versions of Subler. This is especially handy if say, you are searching for metadata for a series that you have named the title something like “Series S01E02 - Series Name” rather than the metadata that is downloaded “Series Name.” This makes dealing with lots of files a little more cumbersome now. Additionally, fields no longer auto complete text. For example, If I held the shift + “S” key while typing in the Genre filed, the text would auto complete “Sci-Fi & Fantasy.” Not sure how or why this was removed, but again, it makes working with files a little more cumbersome now.

Comments (2)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Things had to be rewritten to use newer APIs, and I forgot to enable auto complete in the new genre field. The other behaviour was not intended, you can copy & paste the old item btw.

  2. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Text completion will be fixed in the next release. By the way, you can configure in the preferences how to map the metadata downloaded to the file tag.

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