Subtitles are enabled but not visible

Issue #284 resolved
Daria created an issue


I've used Subler to add subtitles to a movie that I have downloaded from itunes Store. Because I was scared to ruin the original file, I copied it onto my desktop and added the subs as per instructions. When I tried to play the file through quicktime, it showed me the option to switch on the subs, however when I clicked on it, no subs appeared. In the menu it says that the subs are enabled, however they are not visible.

I'm using Subler version 1. 2. 1.

Macbook pro MacOS Sierra 10.12

Hope this can be fixed,


Comments (4)

  1. pbesong

    I am having the same issue with SCC captions. I can add them and they appear if I view the Movie Properties in QT Pro, however the captions never display despite being turned on. This used to work all the time with the same movie/scc files I've used in the past.

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