JVT/AVC coding in quicktime inspector

Issue #302 resolved
Vangelis Christodoulou created an issue


I have been using Avidemux to change h.264/ac3 files from mkv to mp4. I use the build-in mp4v2 muxer, and when I open the resulting file in QuickTime the inspector shows them as "JVT/AVC coding".

The same in Subler (mkv to mp4) shows the as H.264. What's the difference?

Thank you, Vangelis

Comments (4)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    The mp4 file format has a field called "name", where you can write a custom name string for the format. Some players like QuickTime reads it and displays the custom name to the user. And that's it, it's just for informative purpose.

  2. Vangelis Christodoulou reporter

    Hi Damiano,

    Thanks for your reply. I thought "JVT/AVC coding" in quicktime refers to the mp4v2 container, while "H.264" to mp4v1. Am I wrong?


  3. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Yes you are wrong, it's just someone years ago decided to write by default "JVT/AVC coding" in a library and it remained so for a lot of years. But like I said it's just a name meant to be displayed to the user, there is no different in functionality.

  4. Vangelis Christodoulou reporter

    You refer to the libmp4v2 library don't you? Is Subler using this library?


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