Crash (report attached)

Issue #303 closed
Vangelis Christodoulou created an issue

Attached two crash log files. Hope they help. V

Comments (4)

  1. Ken Jordan

    I attached a crash as well (dated 2/3/17). In my case, I'm starting the subler executable (within MacOS directory) directly from a batch file as part of a complex set of bash tools. Starting otherwise (double-clicking from Applications) or drag-drop video file onto the app seems to work fine...

  2. Vangelis Christodoulou reporter

    I use Subler to change container from mkv to mp4 (m4v) of H.264/ac3 files. Not able to reproduce the crash as yet.

    HTH V

  3. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Please open a new ticked if it still crashes. Debugging this things is quite hard, and many things changed in the last months.

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