Custom Language Descriptions

Issue #305 closed
Scott H. created an issue

Subler is by far one of my absolute favorite utilities I use. I do a lot of custom audio tracks & SRT files to edit out inappropriate language for what is otherwise view-able content for younger audience's. I would really appreciate the ability to add custom tag's to these additional tracks I insert for easy reference, i.e. English (clean), or Spanish (edit), etc.... as label's from the SAP & CC menu's. The ability to edit these as needed would be very useful.

Comments (3)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    It's already possible, double click on a track name (the name column, by default is "Sound Track") and enter the text you want.

  2. Scott H. reporter

    Perfect! I was attempting to change the language field instead of the soundtrack name.... Thanks again for your assistance & this wonderful utility!

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