Run script when queue completes

Issue #308 new
Campbell Wray created an issue

Add the ability to select a script that will be run when the queue completes

User should be able to enter a path and perhaps use a checkbox to indicate if they would like a script to run on queue completion.

This would allow for modification and movement of files after processing has completed

Comments (3)

  1. Campbell Wray reporter

    I have never written any code in Objective-C before but if someone could lead me through the steps of building the repository I would be happy to work on this enhancement myself

  2. Campbell Wray reporter

    I have done a bit of testing and have a working prototype, however I'm still severely lacking in the knowledge required to pull this off and I think it could be implemented in less than 10 minutes by someone who knows what they are doing.

    Here is an imgur album that outlines what needs to be done:

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