DTS-MA 7.1 to AAC 7.1 Conversion Always Downmixes to 5.1

Issue #352 resolved
Mari Marasu created an issue

As the Title states, all my efforts to import a 7.1 DTS-MA stream in Subler 1.3.5, force the stream to become 5.1.

I checked, and it seems all the 1.3.x versions of Subler have this issue. The last version that correctly did DTS-MA 7.1 to AAC 7.1 is v1.2.9.

Comments (5)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Probably the decoder can't decode 7.1 DTS-MA, and before it was just adding two silent channels. Can you check if in 1.2.9 all the 8 channels had audio?

  2. Ryan Becker

    I just tested this last night... it doesn't actually downmix to 5.1... it actually LOSES the two extra channels of audio, so you get much less sounds coming through the rear speakers in a 5.1 system.

    I used Kong: Skull Island to test this... the very beginning of the movie starts out with a bunch of shooting and ricochets, so it's really easy to compare the original DTS 7.1 track to the Subler AAC 7.1 track.

  3. Megalo81

    AppleTV 4 & 4K support Dolby Digital Plus 7.1 (EAC-3) . I hope encode DTS-HD or DTS-MA 7.1 to this codec. I don't find any solution to do...

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