New Sets Don't Behave Properly When Applied in Same Session

Issue #362 resolved
Mari Marasu created an issue

When creating a new set, and then applying that very same set to already open files within Subler, Subler freaks out. It will apply fields in wrong places (i.e. putting 1/0 in the Genre field), it won't follow "Keep Existing Annotations" checkbox, or it just crashes entirely.

The steps I followed to recreate this were:

  • Open 4 MKV files of the same series.

  • Search TheTVDB on the first episode.

  • Save set for "Series"

  • Go to preferences and tweak the consistent fields (Proper Genre name, Custom Artwork) and remove fields unique to episode from Set

  • Apply Set to Episode 1


  • Search TheTVDB on ep 2 and then apply set

Subler will consistently misbehave. The only fix is to close the open files and restart Subler, which then solidifies the proper Set behavior for that Set.

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