iTunes Metadata Has Wrong Season

Issue #37 resolved
Nick Loscalzo created an issue

iTunes (USA English) results look like they might be parsed incorrectly in some cases.

One example to see the issue:

  1. Search for metadata for "The Legend of Korra", Season 3 Episode 11 in the USA iTunes store
  2. Note all 4 seasons are listed as "1x11" in results. Consequently, regardless of the actual season, the "Sort Album" always comes through as The Legend of Korra, Season 1, and the episode ID becomes 111.

I have other examples, but I can't find a common thread as to why it happens with certain shows and not others.

I work around the issue by first doing an iTunes search then a TVDB search, but it's just an extra step. Otherwise, Subler is awesome :-)

Comments (5)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    The season number is parsed from the title in the iTunes Store web page. "The Legend of Korra" uses the word "book" instead of "season", so Subler doesn't know what to do. I'll try to add a workaround.

  2. Damiano Galassi repo owner
    • changed status to resolved
    • edited description

    This should be improved lately, if you find other issues please open a new issues.

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