What do you need for HVEC

Issue #378 wontfix
Clayton Dittman created an issue

I'm a dev graduating college this semester so I'm crazy busy but HVEC support would be tremendously helpful. What do you need to get it done, Money, time, more helpers? lol

Comments (13)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    What kind of HEVC support are you looking for? Subler can already mux HEVC, the only issue is that HEVC from mkv files might not work in QuickTime.

  2. Clayton Dittman reporter

    I took some subtitles, chapters, and audio streams from an MKV backup of a blueray and mux'd them into my HVEC mp4 files like I used to do for H.264 but the resulting file comes out without a video stream.

    Just tried it again. Opened an H.265 file, and added the chapters, subtitles, and surround streams to the file. Click save as MPEG-movie. Then when the file refreshes in subler after saving, the video stream is gone. I can confirm the video stream didn't save by opening the saved file in VLC.

    So to be clear, I mke a backup of my bluray in MKV format using program 1. I use a simple program 2 with presets to compress my video to HVEC. But program 2 doesn't do audio or subtitles or chapters well enough so I mux the originals in from the MKV (created with program 1) into the MP4 file (created with program 2) using subler but subler doesn't save the video stream just everything else to the output file.

  3. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Please send me a small video sample of the output of the mysterious program you used to compress to hevc. Or write the program name.

  4. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Yes it would be better if you can make a video sample. I will never and never download that thing :P

  5. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Actually it would be better if you send me a file converted with that app, not a screencast ;)

  6. Clayton Dittman reporter

    I used to use handbrake. It just requires more tweaking than I prefer. Especially when I want to convert 10-100 video files.... adding each one right after the other gets tedious as hell.

    I'll give it a shot and if handbrake works I might switch and make automator script for it, otherwise I'll send you a video sample.

  7. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    By the way, if Subler removes the HEVC track, it means the track is missing some required data. Video-Converter-Ultimate-Whatever is creating broken files.

  8. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Yes, that file is missing some required data. VLC can play even invalid files, but I am not going to fix this things in Subler.

  9. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    A workaround is to add things to the original file, instead of creating a new one. It will still be broken, but if it's good enough for you…

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