Subtitles Stop Working

Issue #379 resolved
Scott Sharritt created an issue

I've noticed that with the latest release that if I have an .mkv file with the subtitle file already embedded the subtitles stop working about halfway through the video. If I watch the .mkv file through VLC I have fully working subtitles. But once I convert the file and import it into iTunes after a few minutes of working the subtitles just stop. I get no errors during conversion and toggling the subtitles off then on doesn't fix the issue. I've only seen this with .mkv files so far that have an embedded subtitle file. If I add an external file everything works fine.

Comments (17)

  1. Scott Sharritt reporter

    The only example I currently have is about 2GB in size. How would I get that over to you?

  2. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Does it happens with older versions of Subler too? I tried your file but subtitles works all the time.

  3. Scott Sharritt reporter

    Subtitles worked fine prior to ver 1.4.1 and work fine for external .srt files in 1.4.1. It is only in subtitles embedded in .mkv files in the new version that I'm having the issue with.

  4. Scott Sharritt reporter

    I should also say once converted the file .mp4 or .m4v also doesn’t have working subtitles in VLC even though they work in VLC on the .mkv version of the file.

  5. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Still can't reproduce it, both version of Subler creates exactly the same subtitles data. Can you send me the non working mp4 file too?

  6. Scott Sharritt reporter

    Uploading the file now. I’ll post the link as soon as it finishes. Thanks for looking into this!

  7. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Your file contains only ~2 minutes of subtitles. Maybe there is a race condition somewhere, I'll check the code later.

  8. Scott Sharritt reporter

    Okay, tried the same two files I still had (including sample sent to you) and a brand new .mkv and they all seem to work perfectly now. Thanks!

  9. Scott Sharritt reporter

    I've tested ten new files, all work as expected in the new version. Of those, I converted five with the previous version and each had subtitles that stopped working at some point. Looks like the logic error you fixed did the job!

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