TV filenames no longer parsed correctly

Issue #382 resolved
Christopher Andrews created an issue

I am running version 1.4.2. Ever since 1.4 (I think, it could just be 1.4.1), Subler no longer parses my filenames correctly. My files are named 'Show - SXXEYY Episode Title.mp4'. It used to be that Subler would correctly parse that as a television episode, and look up the correct season and episode information. Now, however, it defaults to believing it is a film called 'SXXEYY Episode Title'.

Comments (9)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    The new version will prefer the existing metadata to the file name. What are the current metadata of your file?

  2. Christopher Andrews reporter

    Ah -- that appears to be the problem. Given the structure described above, the metadata for the files sets Artist='Show' and Name='SXXEYY Episode Title'. If I erase the Name field, it appears to revert back to the former behavior.

  3. Christopher Andrews reporter

    Release date and genre are also set. The files are coming out of EyeTV. I record them, and EyeTV allows me to set the program name and episode title. For the title, I use the SXXEYY Episode Title format. The filename becomes the one mentioned above and some metadata is set. The file then passes through handbrake, which removes a couple of fields leaving only this:

    Name: Episode title (or Program name if episode is not set) Artist: Program name
    Genre: TV Shows
    Release Date: Recording date (which is not terribly useful)

    I have no control over this metadata other than the previously mentioned program name and episode title, which is why I've been using Subler to clean it up/expand it.

  4. Doug Craig

    1.22 seems to have a few issues - artwork is not showing up and the TVDB interface is not accurate... Doug Craig DugzCreativeMedia 303-594-4457

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