Send to iTunes doesn't work?

Issue #390 closed
Joel created an issue

Maybe I don't fully understand how the feature works, or maybe it's broken, but when I open a TV show or movie, add metadata, when I select "Send to iTunes" nothing happens.

I can still send to queue, put it on my desktop or a folder, and then import into iTunes, but I was hoping to just be able to load all the data, and then by saying "send to iTunes" it would basically do the same thing as "send to queue" but it would immediately start working on it and then import it right into iTunes for me.

If that is NOT how it's supposed to work, please let me know what the "Send to iTunes" feature is for, and then instead consider this a feature request for the queue to be able to automatically send to iTunes.

Comments (4)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    Send to iTunes opens the file in iTunes. If the file is not saved on disk yet it does nothing. Actually I should disable the menu item in this case.

  2. Brian Tully

    Is there any way of automatically adding an item (Movie/TV show) to the iTunes library after Subler finishes converting it? That would be a killer feature.

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