Presets, file names and other suggestions

Issue #395 resolved
Vangelis Christodoulou created an issue


Please could you consider the following suggestions:

  1. Implement some short of 'presets' (user customisable), such as: "Make m4v" where Subler imports a file-->passes through video, audio,subtitles tracks, updates metadata, optimises and writes m4v file. Other presets could be "Convert Audio to acc" etc...

  2. When Save As... can Subler automatically set the filename as the Movie title in the metadata section after retrieving such data from the MovieDB or iTunes?

  3. When Importing Artwork can Subler display the size of the poster when hovering the cursor over the retrieved image?

Many thanks, Vangelis

Comments (6)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner
    1. You can already do something like that with the Queue. Queue presets are on my to-do list.
    2. On the to-do list too.
    3. I don't know. Artworks are already all in high resolution. Where did you find low res ones?
  2. Vangelis Christodoulou reporter

    Hi Damiano,

    Thanks for your reply.

    Regarding point 3, posters in come in different sizes and it's not very easy to tell in Subler which one is 2000x3000 (highest res available) and which not. For example if you search for Cars 3, the first poster that comes up is 1200x1800 and the second is 2000x3000.

    See what you think. Vangelis

  3. Vangelis Christodoulou reporter

    Is there a way to automatically rename TV shows with two digits for season and episode ie S01E01 instead of S1E01 or S02E12 instead of S2E12?

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