Crash while using Queue

Issue #401 resolved
Vangelis Christodoulou created an issue


Please see attached crash log file.

Hope this helps, Vangelis

Comments (5)

  1. Mari Marasu

    It happens when I load up the queue and then open a new file to process. This most recent crash, I had a bunch of episodes processing in the queue through drag-n-drop, and then I opened a file to manually process and add to the queue and it crashed while loading the import window.

    Since after reopening, it saved the remaining files the queue hadn’t gotten to yet, I restarted the queue and all the resulting files were entirely missing their audio files. The audio was supposed to converted from DTS to AAC and E-AC3 to AAC, so maybe that helps?

    I’ve had a bunch of weird things happening lately that I can’t tell if the problems are High Sierra or the app itself. There’s also a weird bug where, once the queue has a bunch of files and I open a new one, the apps overall preferences get reset to default (toolbar resets, metadata preferences reset to default).

  2. Vangelis Christodoulou reporter


    I had the same issue with preferences. They were reset to defaults.

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