Save As: file name of movies => add option to select only release year not the exact date

Issue #416 resolved
Former user created an issue

Would be great if there was an option to only have the release year to create filenames in the structure of "Movie (year)". It would be nice to have a "automated naming of the movie file" function in the queue as well.

Question: When using the Save As dialog, is there any kind of encoding/muxing happening? I just want to use Subler only for metadata not do any encoding, as I do this with Handbrake. Thanks for your answer.

Comments (6)

  1. Damiano Galassi repo owner

    "Save as…" makes a copy of the current file and applies the changes you made. Encoding is done only when you import a file or when you use the queue to convert a non mp4 file to mp4.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Thanks for the answer, but is it possible to select only the release year instead of the complete release date?

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